CORROSION is defined as the deterioration or destruction of metals and alloys in the presence of an environment by chemical or electrochemical means.
# Also said as reaction of metal with the environmental species.
# ( IUPAC ) Is an irreversible inter-facial reaction of a material with its environment, which results in consumption or dissolution into the material of a component of the environment.
# Also said as reaction of metal with the environmental species.
# ( IUPAC ) Is an irreversible inter-facial reaction of a material with its environment, which results in consumption or dissolution into the material of a component of the environment.
- Chemical and Electrochemical
- Wet and Dry
- UNIFORM CORROSION - occurs on the whole surface.
- PITTING CORROSION - occurs in the local pits on a surface.
- CREVICE CORROSION - occurs on the grooves when bolts are present.
- GALVANIC CORROSION - occurs when two metals come in contact, and the reactive metal gets corroded leaving the other metal safe.
- ENVIRONMENTAL CORROSION - occurs due to bad harsh conditions.
- STRESS CORROSION - occurs due to severe stress causing damage to the metal.
- FRETTING CORROSION - due to repeated wearing off of the machinery components.
- Oxygen
- Moisture
- Reactivity of the metal
- Electrolyte presence
- Galvanization
- Pollutants like NO2 CO2.
- High temperature
- Surface ( Rough or Smooth ) Nature
- Humidity
- Electroplating - coating with another metal with help of electricity.
- Barrier protection - with paints and enamels.
- Rective Coating - coating with a more reactive metal which gets corroded ( Sacrificial ).
- Anodization - Electrochemical method of depositing an inert and stable oxide layer which is more durable and decorative ( Aluminium ).
- Cathodic Protection - A more reactive metal is attached via wire, to the underground pipelines and tanks, which by the principle of galvanization gets reduced and keeps the tanks safe.
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